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Following are links to some GCI sermons given in Auckland. Click on the picture or sermon title to go to the sermon script. Those with audio or slides have additional links.



 Many thanks to Janet Middleton, who typed these sermon notes.

God's Tapestry

A well known poem, "The Plan of the Master Weaver" compares our lives to a beautiful tapestry God is weaving, using both light and dark coloured threads, picturing joyful and sorrowful times. This sermon explores this useful analogy.

The Shekinah and You

This sermon traces the history of the Shekinah through the Old Testament, and shows from the New Testament what this remarkable phenomenon is and the incredible meaning it has for us today!

Unlocking the wonderful wealth of meaning contained in the passage in Hebrews 10:19-20: “Therefore brothers, since we have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the blood of Jesus,  by a new and living way opened for us through the curtain, that is, His body.”

The Ascension of Jesus and what it means to us

Many Christians suffer from ADD.  This is not a reference to Attention Deficit Disorder, but Ascension Deficit Disorder. This sermon puts an end to that disease!

Character of Gold

The Bible compares the rare and valuable commodity of physical gold to the character of a Christian, which is like precious spiritual gold refined and purified by God, prepared to be part of the New Jerusalem, a city made of gold.

Up, Up and Away!

What does the remarkable ascension of Jesus mean for us today?

A companion sermon to the ascension sermon just above.

The Great Rescue

The astounding rescue of 33 trapped miners from a collapsed mine in Chile in 2010 aptly symbollises the great spiritual rescue the gospel offers to a world trapped in sin. This sermon was given as the crisis unfolded in 2010.

God the Seeker

God wants us to seek Him, but he sought us first, and loves us more than we realise.

Importance of the Incarnation

The Great God who created the Universe became a helpless baby in a manger. What a stupendous mystery! Could there possibly be anything more amazing than that?

Where is Heaven?

What is heaven? Where is it? Will we all be going to heaven when we die? Or are we already there?

Spiritual Meaning of the Tabernacle

It is phenomenal how each and every physical aspect of the Old Testament tabernacle pointed to Jesus Christ, and to spiritual implications in our lives today!

Your Wedding Invitation...

You are invited to the most magnificent royal wedding of all time!

This sermon  by Rex Morgan compares the Christian life to a walk along a beach.  The vast ocean pictures  God’s endless love, which drowns our sins. Just as the sea brings the shells, and the waves mould the rocks into smooth stones and eventually into sand, so the love of God washes, cleans and shapes the people of God.


See the attached Sermon notes, or click HERE to view the slide presentation.

From Saul to Paul

Lord Lyttleton wrote “The conversion and apostleship of Paul alone, duly considered, was in itself a demonstration sufficient to prove Christianity is a divine revelation.” His conversion was a watershed moment in world history.

Are You Wearing Your Spiritual Clothes?

The Bible has a lot to say about clothes, from the beginning in Genesis right through to the book of Revelation.

The Three Comings of Jesus

The first and second comings of Jesus are well known and reported on. But what do you know about Christ's third coming?

From Swords To Ploughshares

A review of the plentiful Bible passages predicting the second coming of Jesus Christ.

A Glimpse into Glory

What can we learn from the spectacular mountaintop experience of the Transfiguration of Jesus?

What is the Purpose of Life?

“The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why”, wrote author Mark Twain. But is there anything to find out? Is there a reason why we were born?

Ruth: From Rags to Riches

The account of Ruth's romance has been called "the most beautiful short story in the world". But the spiritual lessons it has for the Church today make it even more magnificent and meaningful.

Cleaning the House

Lessons for our lives from the overturning of the money changers' tables by Jesus in the Temple.

Made in God's Image

Genesis 1:26 says God made man "in His image". What does that mean and how does it apply in our spiritual lives?

Possess the Land

Jesus Christ is our spiritual Promised Land.

Peter's Last Words

The comments the Apostle Peter made just prior to his death reveal seven important steps to spiritual success.

A New Creation

This sermon draws a comparison between the seven days of the physical creation of Genesis 1 and the spiritual creation God is now producing in our lives.

The Spiritual Resistance

Spiritual lessons we can learn from the resistance fighters of WW2 Europe in our struggle to resist Satan's influence in our lives.

What does the Bible say about retirement and growing older? Indeed it has much to say regarding "Senior Saints".

End-time Prophecy

Where are we now in prophecy? How close are we to the end?

Coffee and Christianity--the Gospel in a Cup

Grab a hot cup of coffee and let's look at seven spiritual lessons we can learn from the world's most popular beverage.

Luther Sees the Light

A look at the story behind the Protestant Revolution.

Making God Smile

"The smile of God is the goal of your life", says Rick Warren in "The Purpose Driven Life". Is God smiling at you?

Making Sense of Suffering

At times of disaster, lots of people ask the question – “Where is God in all this suffering? Why does He allow it?” As we go through trials and problems personally, the question keeps on coming up from time to time, and we continue to wrestle with it. So let’s notice a few things the Bible says about trials and suffering…

Spiritual Formation

How can Jesus Christ be formed inside us?

It's Christmas Time Again

Lessons from the birth of Jesus

Should we observe Christmas?

A consideration of the objections cited by people who believe Christmas is pagan and should be avoided by Christians.

God's Gracious Gifts

God has given us so much!

The BE-attitudes

We think of the "beatitudes" in the sermon on the mount, but in fact the Bible is full of beautiful beatitudes!

Spiritual Trees, Part 1

God compares Christians to Trees.

Spiritual Trees, Part 2

Focusing on lessons learnt from the giant sequoias of California...

Have you been Born Again?

What is the difference between a "born again" Christian and a regular "Christian"?  What does "born again" mean, and when and how does it happen? Have you been born again?

The Two Ways

We all have to choose between the two trees in the Garden of Eden.

The Power of Forgiveness

Forgiveness has immense power--to stop conflict and disagreements, to remove guilt and to bring peace. It is a fundamental quality of God's nature and is critical to our lives.

Slow Down!

We don't have to do everything at breakneck speed! God says "Be still and know that I am God."

A sermon showing how the wonderful process of metamorphosis of a caterpillar into a butterfly pictures the way a Christian's mind is renewed by the Holy Spirit so that Christ is formed in us.

The Good Shepherd and HIs Sheep

A study of John 10:1-18 and what it shows about Jesus as the Good Shepherd guiding the sheep of His flock.

The Fulfilment of the Festival of Trumpets

The ancient Jewish Festival commemorating the blowing of trumpets has deep and profound spiritual meaning for Christians today.

On Eagles' Wings

How Christians can soar like eagles on the winds of God's Spirit.

The Seven Beatitudes of Revelation

Most people have heard of the beatitudes in Matthew 5. But have you ever thought about the beatitudes in Revelation? There are seven of them...

The River of God

A sermon inspired by a visit to the Niagara Falls. The immense power of an overflowing river is an apt picture of God's dynamic Holy Spirit.

Silent Sermons

A look at three powerful Bible preachers who said nothing.

Believing is Seeing

A second sermon inspired by a visit to Niagara Falls. The amazing exploits of people walking on tightropes across the thundering falls portray valuable lessons for Christians today.

The Apostles' Creed

A brief and historic summary of the major doctrines of Christianity.

Death by Sin

Sin isn't a pleasant subject, but it is very important to God, according to the Bible.

The Best Medicine

Does God ever laugh? Would Jesus ever tell a joke? What type of humour should Christians enjoy?

The Battle for the Bible

It’s as if we are in a Battle for the Bible! Christians are the only ones who believe it. Most of the modern world is against it, claiming that the Bible is full of myths and legends, written thousands of years ago and now disproved by science and modern knowledge. So let’s look at the question of “Can we believe the Bible?” 

God of the Covenants

"You will be shocked at the number of covenants mentioned in the Bible", according to this sermon. God has always wanted to build personal relationships with His people, so He has made a huge number of agreements or covenants with them.  Have a look at some of them in this sermon.

The Psalm of the Cross

Psalm 22 is like an x-ray looking into the mind of Jesus, revealing His thoughts and feelings while He hung on the cross. This passage describes the crucifixion in more detail than anywhere else in the Bible.

What is God like?

The greatness of God can’t be conceived or imagined by man. If we could conceive Him in our minds, then our minds would be greater than He is. But this sermon makes an effort to explore some of His qualities.

The Pilgrims' Progress

The Christian life is a pilgrimage from this world to the next. A great passage in Psalm 84 sums this up so accurately.

New Things

A New Year sermon discussing God's love of new things.

New Year Stocktake

A bag of spiritual jelly beans introduces a happy New Year...

New Beginnings

Another sermon for the beginning of a New Year, focusing on the importance to God of new beginnings.

The Bible talks a lot about trees, and usually it is referring to the palm tree, specifically the date palm. There are some interesting things about palm trees that can be used as lessons in our spiritual lives.

You are a Star!

Two hundred billion galaxies each crammed with 100 billion stars show the awesome greatness of God. But the Bible calls you a star too!

Prophecies of Jesus' Death

It is impossible to over-emphasise the supreme importance of the role of the birth and death of Jesus Christ in God’s plan of salvation. An astonishing number of Old Testament prophecies pointed to Jesus' death, right from the second page of the Bible. This sermon surveys some of those remarkable prophecies.

Feasts or Festivals?

Why does Grace Communion International (formerly the Worldwide Church of God) no longer observe the Feasts of the Old Covenant? What does the Bible say about keeping the Holy Days in the modern world?

Which Old Testament Laws Should We Obey?

Which of the laws given by God at Mt Sinai are binding on Christians today? Are they all replaced by the New Covenant?  This sermon provides a conclusive answer to this controversial question.

We're at War!

Christians have been called as soldiers to fight in a daily war. What kind of a war is this, and how can we be sure we will win the victory?

A Warrior God?

In Old Testament times God instructed Israel to go into battle to fight their enemies, and even to kill innocent children! In 1 Samuel 15:3, God told Saul to “go and attack the Amalekites and totally destroy everything that belongs to them. Put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.” How are we to understand this in the light of Jesus’ command that we should love our enemies?

The Gospel in an Alabaster Jar

A look at the way the actions of a woman who broke a jar and poured perfume over Jesus demonstrate the heart of the extravagant sacrifice of Jesus Himself.

The Garden of Eden, Past, Present and Future

The physical things in the Old Testament pointed forward in amazing ways to spiritual things in our lives today. In this sermon we consider parallels between the physical Garden of Eden and our spiritual lives today, and on into the future.

The Great Game of Life

This sermon, given during the season of the Rugby World Cup, looks at the lessons we can learn from the physical game of regby that apply to the spiritual "game of life" in which we all participate.

What can little creatures tell us about our part in God's plan?

The Day of Small Things

What can little creatures tell us about our part in God's plan?

Little Things Mean a Lot!

Here's some extraordinary evidence showing that a little is a lot, when God is in it!

Partake of the Tree of Life

When Adam and Eve were cast out of the garden of Eden, the way to the Tree of Life was cut off from mankind. So what about us today--do we have access to it? This sermon examines all of the Bible references to the Tree of Life, and how this applies to our everyday lives.

The Gratitude Attitude

So often we take things for granted and don't say thank you when we should.  But God says to be thankful in all circumstances! How can we do that?

Jochebed -- A Godly Mother

This virtually unknown woman was one of the greatest mothers of all history, impacting the world in an amazing way.

Pearls of Great Price

The way oysters change irritating grains of soil into magnificent pearls has close parallels to the process of transformation God uses to develop Christians into sparkling pearls He values dearly.

Spiritual Chess

The strategies used in playing chess are similar to those needed for the spiritual chess game of life.

The Meaning of the Mercy Seat

What does this important item in the Old Covenant tabernacle mean for us today?

Dump that Rubbish!

Just as we collect daily rubbish as we go through life, we have spiritual rubbish that needs to be collected too. Thankfully God has a rubbish collection and a recycling plant to help us spiritually.  

God With Us

From Genesis to Revelation, God has always wanted to be with His people.  He loves to be with us, as is abundantly demonstrated by the incarnation of Jesus as Immanuel ("God With Us"). God's greatest desire is to be with us, and whatever you are going through, He is with you today.

The Powerful Gift of Encouragement

A well placed compliment can change the course of someone's life! Let's use this powerful gift we can so easily give to others!

Plain Sailing

This sermon looks at some of the boating stories recorded in the New Testament, and draws out important lessons for our benefit today.

Shipshape Christians

There are many interesting comparisons between the life of Christians and a journey on a ship. We're all in the same boat, going on the cruise of our lifetimes!

With One Accord

If we are truly led by God’s Holy Spirit, we will love one another with a passion, with the strong fiery emotion of homothumadon.

Conquering our spiritual Everests

This sermon reveals the master key to overcoming the trials and difficulties that loom like towering Mount Everests in our lives.

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