We are counting down the days for this year's conference, being held in Auckland. We are privileged to welcome two guest speakers, Nigel Dixon, and Dr Myk Habets. Both will bring their valuable perspectives to help direct and challenge our church leaders and congregations.
Nigel will be speaking about culture and its implications, and reimagining how we "do" church. Dr Myk Habets, from Carey Baptist College, will be giving a Trinitarian view on Jesus' life, death and resurrection during our Sunday sessions.
The programme is available as a pdf, or have a look at the lineup below.

Registrations are through Rex Morgan, in Auckland (via our Contact page), and through your local church.
Our Auckland congregation will also have the privilege of hearing from Nigel at the weekly service on Saturday. The sermon will be given by Nigel Dixon, a church consultant from Palmerston North, after addressing our national ministerial conference at the Jet Park Hotel. Nigel, who is author of "Villages Without Walls--an Exploration of the Necessity of Building Christian Community in a Post-Christian World", will be speaking on "Reimagining How We Do Church (Moving from Functional to Embodiment)". Nigel has quite a gift of assigning lengthy titles to his addresses, and is sure to give us a challenging message.