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Writer's picture: GCI AucklandGCI Auckland

As our Church year's events wind up, we took some time to reflect on the year, and what events and accomplishments marked 2014 for us. It was amazing how they started to add up once you started listing them.

Rex gave a sermon entitled :"Let's Celebrate", and mentioned a few of the events of the year, some of which are pictured in our celebration Word-cloud image.

cel·e·brate 1. To observe (a day or event) with ceremonies of respect, festivity, or rejoicing. 2. To perform (a religious ceremony): celebrate Mass. 3. To extol or praise: a sonnet that celebrates love.

Let's Celebrate wordcloud post.jpg

To mark the contributions of the congregation in our many activities during the year, the Auckland Pastoral Team put on a special afternoon tea as a thank you.

The Estongs were there with their family before heading back home to the Philippines, and special mention was also made of their time with us, which we greatly enjoyed.

Our service featured songs of celebration, and joy, words of part of one below:

On this day of celebration, looking at this year’s review, God, we gather as your people, called to put our trust in you. You have made the world we live in; you have worked through history. In your plan we find our purpose, in your love, our unity.

You have helped our year of effort, guided us through thick and thin,

May we seek your purpose daily, thinking of what we will win

When we trust and seek your guidance, Heaven’s gates are open wide

May we always feel your comfort, joyfully in you abide.

Here are some of the highlights of the year:

  • Visitors: L & A Smith, I Colati, W Davies, Tony Murphy, Estongs.

  • Senior Citizens’ luncheon

  • Womens’ Refuge toiletries, foodbank

  • Project Hope: 200 years of Christianity

  • Rotorua Festival

  • Website, FaceBook page, sermons in the cloud

  • New coloured sign on door

  • Special afternoon teas: James & Jennie’s 30th wedding anniversary, Barry & Gael’s 50th wedding anniversary, 60th birthdays: William T and Jim Wood

  • Year of sermons, Bible Studies, 3-speaker sessions, fellowship

  • Special waterfall service

  • "Inside Life" issues

  • Recovery from illness & accidents of Agnes, Janet, Yvonne, Wendy.

A group photo was taken of some who had stayed for the celebration.

GCI congregation-1767 with tag.jpg

Our last service of the year is on 20 December, after which we will resume services on 3 January, 2015. Pastor Rex will still be away, so we will be having a DVD that day.

© 2023 GRACE COMMUNION INTERNATIONAL AUCKLAND PO Box 304055, Hauraki Corner, Auckland 0750.  All rights reserved.   Google+

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