Please feel free to listen to one or more of the messages listed below. As time permits, we will add more, and hope to add links to some video messages in the future.
As you might appreciate, media files for messages are very large, so the hosting for these is currently off-site. The link will take you to the audio player for listening to the message online. All the current messages are being hosted on Church Cloud/ Sermon Cloud.
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Mother's Day
Rex Morgan delivers a Mother's Day Sermon. May 2014.
Challenging Perspectives on Life
David Wong talks about sermons all around us - based on a recent trip to Hanoi and Malaysia. 31 May 2014
(note the last half of the message was accompanied by a slide show of photos, which we are unable to present with this audio)
Rex Morgan speaking on the Comforter, with reference to John 14:16 (KJV). 22 June 2014
Our Pentecost service had the sermon given by Rex Morgan on New Beginnings. 8 June 2014

David Wong on how we can learn from Jesus in breaking down barriers. 28 June 2014
Isei Colati describes some of his background, the religious environment of Fiji and gives a summary of the current membership in Fiji (part one of two messages that day). 5 July 2014
In this second message on 5 July, Rex Morgan interviews William Davies about his background and the Church in Vanuatu. GCI New Zealand has assisted with some projects for the Church there, and Rex showed accompanying slides showing the building projects and village life. 5 July 2014 (part 2)
Robin & Arline Connelly on Bangladesh
The Bengali Envangelical Association has been working in Bangladesh since 1986. Robin & Arline Connelly from California shared the background of the BEA and updates on the gospel work in Bangladesh. The Bengali Evangelical Association proclaims the "Gospel Message of Jesus Christ" to the poor and destitute of Bangladesh and emphasizes Christian love to all the inhabitants of the globe as Christ instructed in Mark 16:15. This ministry serves to make the truth of Scripture simple and to assist in developing the application of Biblical principles among men and women within their own culture and lifestyle. 16 May 2015